Infamous 2 all powers
Infamous 2 all powers

infamous 2 all powers

He was a physician in the concentration camp Auschwitz and the doctor known as the “Angel of Death.” He was in charge of selecting Jews to be sent to concentration camps or to be killed. Talat was assonated in 1921 by a Armenian assassination squad. Out of the population of 2.5 million Armenians, 1 to 1.5 million people were killed. Tens of thousands were burned, drowned, poisoned, dismembered, crucified, boiled and beaten to death. Many had their private parts and sexual organs cut off. People were killed by bayonets, clubs, axes, hammers, spades, scythes, and saws. The whole male population of Angora was exterminated.

infamous 2 all powers

People were overloaded with supplies and forced to trudge miles with no food and they were killed if they couldn’t continue. All of the Armenians were forced into concentration camps.

infamous 2 all powers

People were whipped, tortured, robbed, raped and killed. In 1915, Talat declared an order to wipe out the Armenian race. He was the Grand Vizier of the Sultan in the Ottoman empire from 1917 to 1918. She was never put on trial, but was forced to stay in one room for the rest of her life. She might have eaten some of her servants. Many of them starved to death, others were burned or froze to death naked. Some had their face, hands and private parts burned and bit their flesh and private parts. She sometimes drank the blood of the girls and stabbed them with needles. She was responsible for the killing of 650 girls many were tortured for weeks and were often naked when they were tortured. She believed that blood on her skin made her fresher and younger.

Infamous 2 all powers serial#

She was possibly the most prolific serial killer in history. She was one of the inspirations of Dracula and her nickname was Countess Dracula. Elizabeth Bathory was a countess who lived in the Carpathian Mountains.

Infamous 2 all powers